Public Policy Priorities
Arthritis is Canada’s most prevalent disease. And it’s far more serious than most people realize. Approximately six million adults – one in five – have doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Two-thirds are under the age of 65. It’s common among athletes and those with physically demanding jobs. In fact, arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions are the leading cause of work disability in Canada.
Alongside our 50,000 ACE members across Canada, ACE’s advocacy efforts focus on government policies accelerate the development of new, improved arthritis therapies and increase quality of life for people with arthritis and their families.
ACE’s advocacy team elevates the needs of people with arthritis and their families by meeting regularly with elected officials in the federal government and provincial and territorial governments to educate them on issues of importance to the arthritis community. ACE also drafts letters to policymakers to push for policies favorable to arthritis prevention, treatment and research.
ACE's public policy work covers four priority areas:
Arthritis affects more than 6 million Canadians, yet no standardized model of arthritis care is available. Inequitable models of care exist from province to province: where you live determines the quality of your arthritis care – still.
In order for government regulators and public drug plans to effectively review and approve new therapies and provide reimbursement access to treatment options, it is important for them to be aware of the unmet needs of arthritis patients; while at the same time, ensuring patients can afford the medicines they need.
Virtual care — the delivery of health care services and information via electronic methods allows more patients with arthritis to see their specialists and helps conserve costs.
What makes one person healthier than another? Economic and social conditions have a significant influence on the health of individuals and communities. Health inequalities due to race, gender, housing, income, employment, and disability are called health inequities when they are unjust.
Want to get more involved?
There are many ways to make your voice heard. Download our advocacy toolkit and other education materials to learn how you can influence public policy.

Arthritis Consumer Experts
© 2000-2023