Advocacy Resources
By raising our voices together, we can help shape public policy.
As people living with arthritis and their families know, you are – and often must be – your own best advocate. No one knows arthritis better than those who live with it every day. When you share your story and experiences with policymakers and elected officials, you help them understand how their policy actions impact patients, families and care partners.
Anyone can become an effective advocate. It can be as simple as picking up the phone or sending an email to your federal, provincial or territorial elected official to let them know how their decisions will directly affect you. Or, you can visit your elected official at his/her office or a town hall meeting. Social media is also a good way to connect with your legislators. And, you can write about arthritis-related policy issues for your local news outlet.
ACE’s advocacy toolkit provides tips on sharing your story, printable documents to take to face-to-face meetings with members of government, and sample telephone scripts, email messages and social media posts.
Advocacy efforts are critical to driving political change and supporting the arthritis community. This overview covers:
- the legislative process at federal and provincial/territorial levels
- glossary of policy terms
- how medications are regulated in Canada
There are multiple steps in the Canadian drug review and approval process.
ACE’s Election Advocacy platform helps inform people with arthritis and shape public health policy.
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Arthritis Consumer Experts
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